Sheila Harper
International Programme for Applied Canine Studies (IPACS 1)
Understanding Real-Life Skills

innovative - dynamic - hands on – holistic - ethical
The International Programme for Applied Canine Studies (IPACS 1) is a professional, well established, accredited course, fulfilling the demand for an in-depth, internationally recognised course appealing to professionals and pet owners.
Through attending the IPACS 1 you will gain insight into how dogs communicate, an understanding of canine development, behaviour and psychology along opportunities to apply what you learn practically in real world situations.
Whether you wish to have a better relationship with your dog, gain tools for overcoming problem behaviour; whether you are active in handling dogs on a daily basis, or wish to work towards a more professional approach to teaching or behaviour counselling, this course will give you sound information to help you achieve your goals, along with the opportunity to gain independent accreditation.
This is an innovative, unique course which is widely recognised as giving students a sound basis in applied canine behaviour.