Sheila Harper
Welcome to Sheila Harper
Sheila Harper promotes high ethical standards working to build mutually respectful and responsive relationships between people and dogs.
We are the leading education provider for dog trainers and behaviourists to learn about Real Life Skills. We also provide quality support for dog owners.
Our unique courses are open for all to attend and offer a range of theoretical and practical programmes targeting dog owners through to qualified professionals.
We are a learning centre previously registered by the Open College Network West Midlands (now AIM), an Ofqual-regulated awarding organisation licensed by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA). We are the only education provider who has offered externally accredited OCN courses through the International Programme for Applied Canine Studies.
In addition we offer:
applied practical workshops
learning holidays for dogs and owners
tailor-made behaviour counselling and ongoing support
supported walks
Our Approach
Our approach is based on evidence - observations of the interactions of dogs, including companion dogs, along with those in rescue centres or shelters, and those who live self-sufficiently in towns and cities.
From our observations, we analyse what dogs do and how they do it, and use this to inform our work in helping dogs with behavioural problems to find their comfort zone, to look, assimilate, and assess situations, and ultimately to choose for themselves a course of action that helps them deal with that situation in an appropriate way.
We find this route of discovery and empowerment for the dog is more effective and empathic than conditioning or traditional training, and whilst we recognise the scientific approach, our emphasis is on understanding the reality of the lives of dogs and their caregivers in their familiar environment.
Sheila Harper is a founder committee member of ICAN, the International Companion Animal Network, an umbrella body for purely force free organisations and education providers that sets and upholds high standards for its members.