Sheila Harper
Looking for help with your dog?
We offer a variety of support according to your needs and those of your dog.

One to One Behaviour Sessions
Many problems stem from health issues, and it is important to look at the underlying cause of any behaviour problem rather than simply treating the symptoms. This is specialist work and requires an in-depth, whole-dog approach in the comfort of your own home. We have more than 30 years of experience in supporting owners to successfully resolve problem behaviour.

Supported walks for you and your dog
Looking for a more practical, hands-on approach?
Our supported walks offer individual and group coaching through walks with your dog on Cannock Chase. We guide you every step of the way to connect with your dog, helping you overcome issues you may encounter when out on a walk. For those requiring practical help with problems as wide-ranging as pulling on lead to helping your dog gain social skills with people and other dogs. Or you may simply want to gain greater enjoyment from walking with your dog.